Sunday, November 8, 2009


I think everyone that is in business at one time or another is feeling what I am feeling now. The feeling of loneliness, fear, no security, uncertainty, hasty anticipation, and others that I never felt when I am still working and living paycheck to paycheck. These things that deter one from starting his own business somehow... And I felt it several times before, but now, it is feeling so great.

Being able to manage my time as I see fit caused me more burden than ever and there comes the usual procrastination. Even here some things such as administration and money management is essential but it is not fun. In business, it is not only about getting as much as possible, but it is also about cutting cost, and keeping the business principle and mission in line.

Being able to try out new ideas also means that many more ideas are not working at first, but I have to keep trying and fixing things as it goes.

The dice has been casted. There is no turning back. Now I have chosen this road and I'm going to stick with it until I reach my goal here.

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