Saturday, October 18, 2008

Verify Paypal Using BCA mc2 (Tazmania)

Hari ini aku mencoba verify account Paypal-ku menggunakan kartu kredit yang baru karena Visa dari Bank Niaga direject terus.

Dan ternyata... Tazmania dari BCA Mastercard berhasil masuk ke kancah Paypal.  Bisa di-verify.  Horray... (walaupun gunanya untuk saat ini masih gelap...)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Fourth of July

That date is going to mean something else to me...  guess what is it?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Google Translate!

Another Google WOW!

Now I can read pages in any language, including Chinese, Italian, etc.  Google will automatically translate it for me.  I can't imagine how engineers in Google can think something like this.  *hats up*

Just try to search Google as usual and click a link to translate besides each link generated.  I tried it in Italian and Chinese, and I can understand what they say!


Saturday, October 4, 2008


Cibodas, originally uploaded by themomentnotice.

I've just returned from Puncak.
A nice holiday indeed!