Saturday, November 29, 2008

Back from Medan

Back from Medan.  Back from the city where I was born.  It was such an experience that almost magical.  My grandma's house in Medan is not big.  The furniture is all outdated.  The bed, wardrobe, all is old style.  It's almost like returning to the 70's.

There is still a lot to do at home in Medan.  The house is going down.  It is getting older, just like I am.  Someday, all my new possessions now will be old, just like that.  Just be sure that it is as durable as that.  But nowadays it is difficult to find a durable goods.  Technology runs like hell.  Things are more fragile and more expensive.  Friends come and go.  One thing that is good from the old timer is that everything is made to last at that time.  Things made to last.  House made to last.  Friends made to last.  Love made to last.

Everything is made to last.

How I envy them...

What about now?  I can't see a thing that lasts more than five years.  In old-timer, even twenty years seems so short.  TWENTY YEARS!  Can you last your job five years?  I have met someone that have been in his job for twenty years... and even he is not considering himself an expert.

The beauty of old-timer.

Some business can even last more than half a century, where nowadays it is good if you can see a new business last more than five years.  Change is the essence of this changing times.  I know, none of the old-timer can beat us, new-ager in the race in everything.  Not money.  Not power.  Not functions...  But they beat us in this:  emotional fullness.  You feel full when you are with them...  They maybe are simpletons, but they have their own way of doing, that we don't have.  They have that kind of loyalty, that we all lack of these days.

Loyalty to your belongings.  Loyalty to your relatives, friends, community, religion...  Loyalty to your clothes, lover...  Loyalty to what you believe...  Loyalty to your job.  They are these all things in one.  They are old-timer.  They are not changing.  Dinosaurs.  They won't blog nor read blogs.  But I envy them... for their feeling of fullness.  Of feeling enough with what they have, instead of us that are always chasing for something else.

A new thing.  A new friend/network.  A new job.  A new girlfriend/boyfriend.  A new home.  A new book.  New everything.  What is best word in marketing world right now is maybe "NEW!".  What a big change...what a big change...

I maybe not the most sophisticated person in the world.

This is just a reminder.  Sometimes, the old ways of doing things... may last longer than our new ways...  in the long run...  we can't always run.

A sprinter won't win a marathon runner in a marathon.  Life is a marathon.  And from centuries ago, some runners have found the way to win the game.  And it is not by sprinting every time and every day.  Won't you want to learn their ways also???

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Second Thought of Elevator

On a second thought, after seeing some more calculations on the ratio of elevator and room, I think it's almost enough, so I hope it won't be of a big problem, except for that peak 5-minutes in the morning and in the evening.  It only that I can't just go up and down whenever my heart likes.

Cukupkah Elevatornya?

Aku baru saja serah terima kunci Apartemen City Park.  Baru inspeksi ke unit, ternyata elevatornya cuma ada dua!  Satu buat penumpang kapasitas 1000 kg (10 orang) sama satu buat barang kapasitas 1600 kg (16 orang).  Apartemen itu satu tower ada 12 lantai.  Unitku di lantai paling atas.  Ada 25-an unit satu lantainya, berarti ada sekitar 300 unit di tower itu.  Taruhlah 250 unit.  Ratio elevator seharusnya 1 : 90.  Jadi, idealnya ada 3 elevator di situ, plus satu service elevator.  Ini cuma setengahnya.

Aku khawatir...

Emang sih, ini rusunami, tapi waktu beli, aku kira elevatornya ada empat.  Aku lihat di gambar denahnya.  Nah, makanya walaupun beli yang awal-awal, aku pilih unit yang paling atas, hampir pojok, karena alasan view, nggak ada debu, lebih tenang, nggak bakalan bocor, dan privacy.  Kalau tahu begini, mungkin aku malah prefer yang di lantai dua sekalian, jadi tidak usah pakai elevator, cuman bakalan agak berisik.

Belum lagi kalau elevator-nya rusak.  Wah, runyam!

Elevatornya dari China gitu.  Dari pengalaman sih, bisa-bisa setelah dua tahun banyak merongrong.  Tampaknya setelah dua tahun dan apartemen ini ramai, aku harus segera cabut nih, over kredit, ciao!  Soalnya, bisa nggak tahan nunggu itu elevator lama-lama.

Tapi kalau masih sepi sih... OK OK aja.  Aku mungkin akan moving in benar-benar mulai tahun depan (2009), walaupun sudah serah terima kunci hari ini.  Targetku 2011 uda dapat rumah jadi apartemen ini bisa aku jual lagi.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Funny Bush

Ujian Sertifikasi Penilai (USP)

Wah, gue lagi gugup banget nih.
USP tinggal lima hari lagi, dan bahannya buanyak banget.
Peraturan dan Undang-undang ini itu, teori ekonomi ini itu, sama bahan-bahan standar ujian penilaian.
Emang sih, dari empat modul, dua modul terakhir rasanya dengan lulus ujian P3-P4 kemarin harusnya lulus juga ujian yang ini.  Tapi dua modul pertama yang susah, karena belum pernah gue dalamin sebelumnya.  UU No.20 tahun 2000?  KMK tahun 1994?  Weleh2...  Mana gue tahu???

Dan abis keempat modul itu ada sidang pula.  Buset deh.

I need some help...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunrise Discovery of Angkor Wat

Someday I want to see this monument.