Monday, September 29, 2008

The Mist

Have you watched "The Mist"?

I've been always a fan of Stephen King and I know his type of everyday horror.  I like it.  That's why this movie hooked me from the beginning  because of it ordinariness.  I watched this movie and being warned in the DVD cover as "one of the most shocking movie endings ever".  But well...  the ending... is not that good at all.  Even, it is worse...

How the movie should end, I wonder.  I don't like the ending.  But it taught a lesson:  never quits!  Never say die.  It said the lesson in reverse way... but it works.  Maybe if David can get it straight and summon up all his courage, everyone can be saved.  That definitely not happen in the movie.  Also another thing, firearm is a pure stupidness.  I never like guns and the like.  It's like giving a lot of power to someone who doesn't deserve it.

Watch this movie.  Then tell me what you think about it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Buku Sekolah Elektronik

Ini adalah ide yang sangat bagus!
Kenapa tidak terpikirkan sebelumnya.
Sekarang di website ini: bisa di-download 95 buku sekolah secara GRATIS.  Jadi, yang punya komputer nggak perlu lagi beli buku.
Aplikasinya banyak sekali.  Misalnya, di setiap kelas jika ada satu saja komputer dengan proyektor, maka bisa saja ditampilkan di layar pelajarannya, lalu bahan-bahan yang penting di-print lalu difotokopi untuk murid-murid.  Jika Anda mengajar di daerah terpencil, maka dengan saluran internet, Anda bisa download bahan-bahan tanpa harus ke kota beli buku.  Kalau saja setiap murid punya satu komputer, net book yang murah saja, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan kita bisa merevolusi cara kita belajar.
Ternyata perkembangan komputer sudah ke tingkat yang baik sekali, dan Depdiknas bisa mencetuskan ide ini.  Bagus!  Lanjutkan ya, saya dukung.  Mungkin jika ada swasta yang mau diajak kerjasama, dan donatur diperlukan, lebih baik lagi.  Saya pasti ikut bantu.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Google Chrome: Cool New Browser From Google

See it for yourself.  Launched yesterday.  I've used it and loving it.  So FAST.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Law of Attraction

I didn't read "The Secret". But this article answers some of my questions about the law of attraction.

Anyway, if we are only projection of our own subjective reality, then... for everyone there's a unique world than for another. That explains almost everything! Except... if we're not "sane", then we are either autis, or insane. Having a world of his own = autis. Out of this world = insane.

Can "sane" people really apply the law of attraction? How can we connect but still attract what we want to our lives? These concepts must have answers somewhere...

I'm grounded pretty much on "reality" in my thoughts. And I believe in a reality, the truths of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and without-eternal-me.

So... is this law of attraction (intention-manifest) is only a hyped version of the simpler law of cause and effect? Maybe, because it's the only thing I believe so far.

Red Alert 1 For Free (Original)

Please find it here: